Monday, September 21, 2009

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I am severely optimistic. I rounded the fence to this and my whole entire face lit up. I can't explain why I find beauty in the broken, but expect so much perfection from someone of the opposite sex. I am not shallow and this proves it. I find it somewhat important to be physically attracted to someone in order to have an intimate relationship, so sue me. Anyone I've even bothered explaining this to has told me the same thing over and over: "Looks don't matter." Bullshit, stop trying to make yourself sound as unconditional as you wish you were. We approach someone based on looks, expecting that just because they appeal to us, they must be normal, right? We get peoples phone numbers based off of their physical appearance and chat quietly with our girlfriends or guys of how attractive that "girl or boy over there" is. I, unfortunately, have the problem with finding someone attractive at first and then getting to know them, discovering they were hardly anything compared to what I wished them to be.

But this, yes, it is unconditionally beautiful. Mostly because it can't speak to askew any form of impression you may have received from it. I'm glad only humans were given words, because without them, I'd be unable to sort out this mess of potential. More importantly: I'd be unable to admire the true innocence of something that can't help anything.

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