Sunday, September 27, 2009

I don't want to do this again.

James Kyle VanWagner,
You made me feel like I was doing something right and I'll continue to do so, just for you. You told me every time we saw each other that we were going to get married. I don't know what compelled me to stop to see you, but I'm glad I did. You asked me just a week ago if we were still getting married and I told you yes.

I wish I could rewind back to leadership class; spelling our names with foam letters and sticking them on our faces, making signs that said "creeper" and threatening to put them on your truck, you snapping pictures of my "dike hairdo". And what about prom, babydoll? We matched perfectly.

I'm so happy you and Brandon came into my work that night. Brandon did nothing but make fun of me, but it was great all the same. Words can't describe how much I'm going to miss seeing both your faces when I'm out and about Ocala.

I promise to take care of your baby girl. I know, everyone knows, that you you loved her. I knew it all along.

Brandon Cordwin,
Baby boy, when I first met you I thought you were the cutest thing I'd ever seen. We didn't talk nearly as much as I would have liked, but you made my best friend happy and that's all I can ask. You always had something "mean" to say to me, but I just laughed at you and I know that was your intention. I sat on your lap as Patrick drove me home the night of your graduation with a Coke Icee in my hand, without you I wouldn't have made it there.

I remember our little adventure you, me, and V had before Ash came to North Marion. You told us to watch after her and I promise to do my best from here on out. We laughed as the black woman cut your hair and as we wandered aimlessly about town. I am thankful for that day and I am thankful for that night. I appreciate all the times you made fun of my hair or what I was wearing, a funny thing to say, but this I promise.

I love you both and I feel privileged that I got the chance to know you. Pay me a visit. I don't believe in ghosts, I believe in angels.

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