Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pathetically enough, yes, I'll still be here.

I'm in a choke hold that does not allow me to stray, even for the slightest second. It's a figment of my imagination, but it exists, all at the same time. As soon as I loosen your fingers, just a little bit, you notice with a start and almost kill me in your panic. I'm against the wall and I know you fear, behind your upright chin and pin straight backbone, that I'll somehow escape. I know you're scared that if you let me wander, I might not come back.

And like the grip you have on my neck, all the hurt you've caused me, I'd be pretty fucking uneasy too.

1 comment:

  1. Heh, but hopefully you're going to sneak away from it.

    Desolation ain't much of a life.
