Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Curtis.

I could start off by saying that I've changed, that I'm a new me, that I've recently tried things I've never done before... But that would be a lie.

I'm still Chelsea Leigh Deen, still the same little blond girl I was a month ago. But this, this was something I never anticipated doing. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined myself in the position I was in the past two days. I never would have thought that I'd make such amazing friends at such a giant distance. However, on Monday and Tuesday, they were within arms reach.

I say I'm no different because I am not. My physicality may have changed, but I'm still the person they met over three months ago and I'm still the person you've gotten to know for however long you've known me. This person is who I'll be forever.

Saying goodbye hurt me almost as much as my heart ached for Kyle and Brandon. I say almost because I know that we'll see each other again soon. Five weeks, five months, five years. Like I said, I don't cry over boys, but that was something that punched me in the gut.

All because your insides, your insides know who good people are too. 

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