Sunday, May 3, 2009

This is what your mama really should have taught you.

Kids these days are stupid. By this, I do not refer to mistakes the typical teenagers of today are almost guaranteed to make, I refer to their associations with their own kind.

Is there some hidden difficulty in the phrase "treat others the way you'd like to be treated"? I've had no trouble enforcing the term, so what's the deal with everyone else? Do other kids have a different definition of "friends"? I've always thought that friends don't talk badly about each other, that they put each others best interest before their own and, quite simply, they don't spend every waking moment trying to piss each other off. The problem with all high school drama today is that their pea sized brains have no humility, no sense of what's right and what's wrong, and no concern for anyone but themselves. It baffles me that they all just don't understand that if we're sincerely sorry for our mistakes (mistakes that are not 100% intentional), and voice those apologies, everything will be okay.

And as for teenage "love"? Give me a break. The whole aspect of teenage relationships can be taken seriously, but it isn't for two reasons:

  1. The side effect of a relationship is that you forget who your friends are, the people that have always been there and the people that probably will either a) pathetically enough still be there when you get your head out of your own asshole or b) cause a very disruptive evacuation from your life. All of those that have ever went with 'option a', I hope your friend realizes how lucky they are that you decided to stick around. If not, and you haven't moved on to option b, grow a pair and stand up for yourself. All of those that went with the latter; kudos, you have a backbone.
  2. The only other reason such a "bond" is laughable is because every teenage relationship is LOVE.
While flipping through an informative pamphlet that my younger sister brought home from school on sex, I found what might be the most intelligent logic on this subject I've ever come across.

Love or Lust?
Love is forever, lust is for now.
Love is giving, lust is getting.
Love is tender, lust is tense.
Love is priceless, lust is cheap.
Love is patient, lust is impatient.
Love is selfless, lust is demanding.
Love understands, lust manipulates.

Oh, and how I cannot stress the first point enough. The message is simple. You're 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old... You haven't a clue what forever is.